Welcome to Brookhurst Pre-school
Brookhurst pre-school is based at Brookhurst Primary School in Bromborough on the Wirral. We are a non profit making organisation which opened in 1990. As from January 2010 we have relocated to a brand new, purpose built facility. The Pre-school is bright, welcoming and stocked with a wide variety of appropriate equipment. This ensures that the children become involved in a wide range of enjoyable, carefully structured play activities in a happy and relaxed atmosphere, enabling them to socialise and develop at their own pace
Our Building
Brookhurst Pre-school Group opened in September 1990 in a room in Acre Lane Education Centre, sharing the room with another Group. When we were offered a room in Brookhurst Primary School we were delighted to accept. This room was acceptable to Social Services as long as suitable toilet facilities were installed. Within two years we had the required facilities and a garden for outside play, and had extended the provision by opening in the afternoons.
In January 2010 we moved to occupy a new building provided by Wirral Authority. This is sited to the side of Brookhurst Primary school, which has given us wonderful space both inside and out. We now are able to take a maximum of 30 children at each session.
Brookhurst Pre-school Group is a non-profit-making organisation run by a community committee.
We are members of, and insured with, the Pre-school Learning Alliance.
We are also a Registered Charity, number 1085865.
The Wirral Authority supports the Group and we are inspected by OFSTED for the quality of educational and care provision.
The latest Ofsted report is displayed in our cloakroom for all to read and is available to download here: In February 2016 we were judged to be Outstanding in all areas ” a magical place full of wonderful things to discover”.
Our Aims and Objectives
We aim to offer a high quality, safe, and stimulating play and pre-school experience to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old.
The staff works with parents and carers to fulfill the needs of each individual child, to identify any special needs and to help all the children develop and make a smooth transfer to their next stage.
We provide a comprehensive education to children in their pre-school years.
This covers all the main areas of development outlined by the Department of Education and Employment.
We would like to welcome you and your child to Brookhurst Pre-school. The website is designed to provide some basic information about us. You are also invited to ask the staff or committee members for any further information.
Pre-school admissions
Brookhurst Pre-school caters for pre-school children in the local community. The minimum age is 2 years.
The waiting list for available places is held by the Pre-school and is prioritised according to Wirral school admissions policy.
To secure a place we ask for a registration fee of £50, £25 non refundable, £25 to be deducted from the first terms fees.
Before a child is admitted the registration form must be accurately completed and emergency telephone numbers provided, we will also need to take a copy of your child’s birth certificate, as this is necessary when applying for Early years funding.
We will keep you regularly informed on your child’s progress by informal chats and regular parent / key person meetings.
- Pre-school focuses, activities, meetings, fund raising events, social activities and outings are notified by newsletters, website and posters.
- We produce a half-termly newsletter to keep parents informed, of future events, changes at pre-school etc.
- Questionnaires are given to parents at several stages, New intake evening, Settling in, Physical development, and at Parents evenings. These provide us with feedback and the opportunity for parents to share information with us.
- Committee meetings are held each half term and each Autumn there is an annual general meeting, which all parents are invited to attend.
- Current events and news are put up on notices on the door and notice boards, please keep your eye out for these notices so you don’t miss out!
- If you would like to contact us through our e mail address to ask any questions please do carol-kerry@brookstep.co.uk
- If you would like to help during a session, please see the Pre-school staff.
We will need extra help to enable us to provide certain activities; a notice will be posted on the notice board for volunteers when required.
Our Educational Programme and Activities
We use the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012) guidance to ensure children make progress in their educational, social and emotional development.
We work towards the Early Learning Goals in the following areas: 3 Prime arears, 4 Specific arears.
1 Personal social and emotional development
2 Communication and Language
3 Physical development
4 Literacy
5 Mathematics
6 Understanding the World
7 Expressive arts and design
The everyday activities and focuses planned, provides a balanced programme and includes art and craft, number work, music, singing, movement, baking, science and technology, games, story time, reading, writing etc.
Your child will be allocated a Key person. A Key person is a member of staff who has special responsibility for your child. The Key person will have responsibility for overseeing your child’s development, through observation, interaction and parent feedback. All staff interact with all the children to help gather as much information as possible through play.
We have our own well equipped outdoor play area which is used daily weather permitting, so please ensure you send your child with appropriate clothing for the weather.
Health and Safety
Health visitor; we are please to confirm we will be having closer links with the area health visitor team. They will be able to provide help and support to us , our children and families.
Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they are ill. If a child is unwell during the morning, every effort will be made to contact the parents or whoever is named on the registration form. If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea please keep them off school for 48 hours after the last incident.
Please let us know if your child is unable to attend due to illness, and notify us of any contagious disease they may have contracted.
The NHS website provides information regarding childhood illnesses, head lice, worms etc.
All accidents are noted in the accident book, and will be signed by collecting adult to confirm information has been passed on, a copy given to person collecting child and a copy held by the Pre-school.
There is a First Aid kit on the premises within the kitchen out of reach of the children.
All Staff are first aid trained.
Smoking is prohibited. A fire drill is practised each half term.
Children are supervised by adults at all times. The toys and equipment are checked regularly.
General Rules of cleanliness apply. Paper towels and tissues are provided for the children.
Safe Guarding Children
An accident at home form is to be completed of any existing injuries a child may have on entering the Pre-school, as required by OFSTED.
Our policy is to create an environment safe from abuse and to respond to any suspicion of abuse.
Any suspicion of abuse, neglect or ill treatment will be reported to an appropriate authority if necessary and will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Members of staff and committee are made aware not to discuss issues regarding the group or families on social networking sites.
Staff or visitors to the setting must hand into the office any personal mobile phones or cameras.
Only the official group’s mobile phone and camera can be used within the setting.
Our safe guarding policy is available from the Pre-school Manager.
Special educational needs
Brookhurst Pre-school offer has a regard to the SEND Code of Practice (2014)
Wirral Local SEND offier will provide information for children and young people (0-25 years) with Special Educational needs and disabilities.
We aim to ensure that wherever possible all children within the community have access to Pre-school.
In line with our Equality of Opportunity’s policy the group welcomes all children.
The group has regard to the SEND(Special Educational Needs and Disability) Code of Practice (2014).
We believe that all of our staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of individual needs of every child in our care.
We work together with parents and other relevant parties to organise the environment and plan activities to ensure all children take part at a level appropriate to their needs.
We ensure that when a child with special educational needs joins the group that every step will be taken to promote the welfare and development of the child; working in partnership with parents and other relevant parties.
We have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator responsible for the liaison between Parents, Pre-school and outside bodies. We work in liaison with expertise outside the group, including therapists, health visitors, psychologists, social workers and paediatricians to help meet children’s specific needs. Our system of observations and record keeping enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis. Assess: Plan: Do: Review.
Equal opportunities
- We believe that Brookhurst Pre-school’s activities should be open to all children and families.
- We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in, or volunteer to help with the group, have equal chance to do so.
- When employing personnel the Pre-school will appoint the best person for each job and will treat all applicants fairly.
- We aim to show respectful awareness of the cultural diversity in our society: both locally and on a wider basis